Staking $XDEFI
You can stake $XDEFI tokens, view the current APY, and key staking metrics at:
Staked $XDEFI tokens auto-compound and can be withdrawn at any time.
What is vXDEFI?
When you stake $XDEFI tokens, you receive $vXDEFI.
$vXDEFI represents your claim on the pool of staked $XDEFI and $XDEFI rewards.
You can convert between $XDEFI and $vXDEFI at any time. There is no fee involved other than standard ETH network fees.
75% of all swap and bridge fees from all XDEFI products are paid to the $vXDEFI pool and distributed to stakers.
Note: in the near-term, $XDEFI staking rewards will continue to be supplemented with funds from the XDEFI treasury.
Why is there an exchange rate between $XDEFI and vXDEFI?
When you stake $XDEFI you are swapping it for a claim on the overall staking pool.
As more people enter the staking pool, and as more $XDEFI rewards are added to the pool, the relative value of each claim changes.
The amount of $XDEFI tokens you can withdraw will always be greater than or equal to the amount you deposited.
You will not lose any $XDEFI tokens by staking them.
The USD value of $XDEFI will change over time, so the overall USD value of your tokens might be more or less compared to when you staked.
When you stake $XDEFI tokens you will always be entitled to remove those tokens (plus any rewards you have already earned) at any time.
So you will always be able to withdraw at least the same number of $XDEFI tokens as you staked.
The USD value of your staked $XDEFI will of course vary and fluctuate according to market conditions.
There will be gas fees to pay when you stake and unstake (and withdraw) $XDEFI (for both the old and new staking contracts).
Last updated